​*I accept Regence Blue Shield/Blue Cross, First Choice, Kaiser, and Cigna insurances*.

Fremont Psychotherapy

Dore​en Gaffney, MA, LMHC

Copyright @ Fremont Psychotherapy. All rights reserved.

DBT can help with:
~​​Emotional Dysregulation – Intense and overwhelming swings in emotions ~Impulsiveness
-Eating Disorders ~​Self-Harm – Cutting and other self-harming behaviors ~Suicidal Thinking and Behaviors ~Disrupted Relationships – Interpersonal chaos ​~Confusion about Self-Identity
Dialectical Behavior Therapy 
Some of us experience emotion more intensely then others and this can deeply impact our sense of self and our relationships.  The environment we grow up plays an important role; for example, maybe you have grown up with a family that did not help you learn how to experience and control your emotions.  Maybe it wasn't safe to express your emotions or there were expectations that you needed to be perfect and not show any negative emotion.

Because of this, you may not have learned when to trust your own feelings in a situation, how to recognize, accept and control intense emotions, or how to cope with distress.

DBT skills are extremely helpful if you are wanting to improve or change the way you communicate with others, how you feel about yourself. Learning coping skills that support you in times of distress and help in controlling your emotions can be life changing and open so many more opportunities for you to find a sense of peace.


Doreen Gaffney, MA, LMHCA
Hours of Service​ o 
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
​Phone: 206.553.9858

​Email me:


Fremont Building
3429 Fremont Ave N, Suite 312

Seattle, Washington   98103

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